
Test Automation for Non-Functional Testing

What is non-functional testing? The platform of non-functional testing verifies security issues, system robustness, response time and so forth. Non-functional testing aims at making the product user-friendly and answering customer needs. Performance, usability, security etc., are some of the crucial aspects considered in non-functional testing. There are specific software test automation tools that are used to execute non-functional testing. Accessibility testing, stress testing, load testing etc., are some of the testing types that come under the umbrella of non-functional testing.   The strategic relevance of test automation in non-functional testing: Usually, it is quite difficult to carry out non-functional testing. For example, the manual tester will find it difficult to handle a scenario wherein multiple users are logging in at the same time. A number of resources are required to accomplish this task and upon that desired results will not be achieved and it will be a t

What is software test automation and how does it work?

Software test automation plays a productive and prominent role in the software testing domain. Companies across the globe have benefitted heavily through the strategic implementation of test automation. For repetitive, common and high-volume testing activities, automation testing is considered to be a feasible option. High-coverage test suites can be easily built by automation testing tools. There are a number of test automation tools available in the marketplace; hence, the testing team can decide the right tool that best suits their project and testing specific requirements. In this article, you will get a detailed overview of automated testing.    What is software test automation? It is a testing method through which software’s functionality is assessed to know whether it can meet the required business and functional requirements. Scripted sequences are used and then executed by automated testing software. Examinations of the software are executed by these tools, outcomes are re

Efficiency Unleashed: Automated Test Case Generation Strategies

The relevance of automated test case generation:  A significant effort is required to design effective test suites that can affect both testing and development costs. A relevant impact is made on the project deadlines, software development schedule and ultimately the quality of the final product. The new tools for generating test suites automatically and recent advances in automated test case generation can reduce the effort required to generate effective test suites. This in turn helps in enhancing the cost-effectiveness of automated test case generation strategies. The following are the strategies for automated test case generation: 1. The value of automation: Those applicable methods that are used to automate the test case generation strategies are identified and explored. When it comes to automated test case generation , the focus has been on sequential and non-real-time software. Almost everything is incorporated from existing methods right from fully automated solutions

What common elements characterize automation testing software?

The following are the common elements that characterize automation testing software: 1. The code needs to be inserted accordingly: Everything cannot be incorporated in a codeless tool. Testers should be given a proper push by the test authors to insert code within the tests for those edge cases. There are many teams that are being looked at models such as the Test Automation Pyramid so that certain actions such as web services can be exercised instead of UI actions. 2. Steps that are reusable: There are multiple scenarios wherein certain steps exist. For example, whenever a specific application is being used by the user, they need to log in and majority of the tests are involved in it. This action needs to be recorded in each of those tests, which in turn leads to maintenance issues. If there are any changes that have been made in the login step, then every test needs to be updated by the test author. 3. Easy assertions: It is easy to record a scenario. When a specific action

What is the example of automation testing software?

What is automation testing? It is a testing method that is performed through the tactical use of automated tools in order to execute a test case suite. Test data is entered by the automation testing software into the system under test and then the expected and actual reports are compared ultimately resulting in generating detailed test reports. There are scenarios wherein the same test suite needs to be executed repeatedly. Through the strategic use of an automated tool, this test suite can be recorded and re-played as required.   Automation testing software example: For example, the platform of test automation is used to test a website. A web page can be automated through the strategic use of a selenium framework and a renowned test automation tool (as decided by the team depending upon the project scope, expertise and budget). Selenium is an open-source tool known for providing cross-platform and cross-browser testing of web applications. Automated tests of web applicatio